Easy tips for FREE

Extended Teams Channel

As experienced entrepreneurs and developers, we know the ins and outs of these processes and are eager to share our knowledge with you.

What Will You Learn?

✓ Understand the essential concepts and your growth purpose to choose the right strategy for expanding your team

✓ Recognize the importance of recruitment and identify the red flags that nobody tells you

✓ Consider other factors, such as communication, culture, and contracts, that can facilitate your offshoring process


Easy Concepts

May 5th, 2022  •  Guillermo Espinola

In this channel, we simplify the complex world of offshoring and development team growth. First, we mention easy concepts, so you are familiar with.


46 seconds  •  Guillermo Espinola

Start With "The Why"

53 seconds  •  Guillermo Espinola

Understand Your Business Model

1:34 minutes  •  Guillermo Espinola

Offshoring VS Outsourcing

1:16 minutes  •  Guillermo Espinola

Recruitment Process Intro

0:21 seconds  •  Guillermo Espinola

Recruitment red flags

1:09 minutes  •  Guillermo Espinola

Red Flag: Job Descriptions

54 seconds  •  Guillermo Espinola

Red flag: The Long Processes

53 seconds •  Guillermo Espinola

Red Flag: Non-Tech Headhunters

1:16 minutes  •  Guillermo Espinola

Red flag: Hundred developers in the shortest time!

48 seconds  •  Guillermo Espinola

Red Flag: False Processes

1:43 minutes  •  Guillermo Espinola

Natural Communication

2:01 minutes  •  Guillermo Espinola

The Company's Culture

1:27 minutes  •  Guillermo Espinola

The Top Trend Topic: "Agile"

1:51 minutes  •  Guillermo Espinola

The Agreement

2:00 minutes  •  Guillermo Espinola

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Ready To Offshore

Extended Teams Channel

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